Monday, April 16, 2007

Avatar experience and Answers yahoo

Yesterday I went to the site for Avatar. I did not know a word about that site or what I was going to find there. I was very surprise to find that kind of site since I did not know something like that existed. I have to agree with other students that I had a great time going over appearances, set, appeals. I was not sure if I wanted to make my avatar like me or something like an illusion of me. I decided to make my first avatar as a reflect of a part of my life. Yoga helped me physical and mentally with my life. That practice is giving me patience and understanding about who I am and that for all of our readings in the last chapters is the first step to a better communication by understanding ourselves first we could understand others. My classmates are sending me their Avatars and some of them also reflect something that they like or they identify with in their identities. It was a fun assignment and I believe it could be a good idea to use it instead of the picture that many sites require us to put on but this is an opinion from a private person.

The answers yahoo site was also new to me and I found it very interesting too and as Dr. D called it addictive too. The site allows a person to ask questions, answer questions and discover posts. I set my profile and I felt I needed to post a question to see how that worked. I got a lot of answers in matter of minutes. I answered a question too and now I am very curious to know how my answer was rated.

Hope others have a good time too with those assignments.

1 comment:

Angela Albertson said...

Hi Beatriz,

I am like you in that I have never used the yahoo avatar sites. I found it very interesting. I like that I was able to create an avatar which allows for some privacy. I see that some people are really able to express themselves because of this privacy. I find this a great way to connect with people from all over with different ideas and opinions.