Saturday, April 14, 2007

My space

I was going over my classmates My Space pages and I saw that some of them had been there for some time; their pages are very organized and structured. I tried to understand the site but I do not find it very user friendly. For example I took me quite a while to learn how to post comments. It could be because most of my friends do not belong to my space and we do not use it to communicate. Maybe it could be a matter of generations. My circle of friends and family, we move and communicate inside the circle of e-mails and messenger accounts. I could see a great, interesting, and effective way of communicating with your friends and opening your circle of friends to others if most of the people I communicate through Internet also belong or subscribe to My Space. Right now, I see My Space as a place where is hard for me to extend. Maybe I should ask for some advice to find a better use of the site.


Jo said...

Hi Beatriz!

I agree, some of the sites have been up for a while and look great! I am trying to get mine up to par but it is a lot of work on organizing MySpace, blogging, reading, taking assesments, phew, a lot of work! Then there's the career, the kids, the animals, family - how do we fit it all it? I guess we do - somehow. ;-)

I do know that my kids have conneceted with their 1/2 brother and sister thanks to the MySpace search. My ex-husband's kids contact my boys early last year. The oldest came out and we had a great time.

So, at least it's affective in respect to locating old and new friends!

xiana08 said...

Thank you Jo,

That is a very good use of the site, now I am understanding more why people feel attractive to 'my Space'. I am asking around and those who seems to have My Space are younger generations.

I am glad your kids locate their 1/2 siblings